Identifying Snake Holes

Washington DC snake

Snakes will live in the damp and dark areas. They love to invade places that will provide them safety. They may invade the abandoned burrows of the animals since it gives them a safe retreat from the predators. However, seeing holes in your yard does not instantly mean that you are housing a snake; but you are vulnerable to their invasion. The small mammals that live in these holes can potentially attract their attention, and they may choose to take over the burrow. Snakes feel more comfortable if their back is touching the ceiling of the cave.

How Do You Know That It's a Snake Hole?
Different types of snakes will inhabit a range of habitats. For instance, the cottonmouth prefers to live close to a water source. You may find them close to the lakes, streams, ponds, and drainage. Garter snakes, on the other hand, will be found on forested areas and tall grasses. Snakes may also seek shelter on the trees' hollowed part, under the piles of leaf or rocks, under the logs, and of course, inside the holes. Therefore, sticking your arms on holes that can potentially be the home of the snake is not a good idea. If you saw a snake in your yard, you may also have an underlying rodent infestation that you must resolve.

Will I Find A Shed Snake Skin Near the Holes?
Snakes may shed their skin periodically. The frequency may depend upon their age, the snake species, and their health. Younger snakes may shed their skin about 1-2 times per month, while the more mature ones will go through ecdysis at least once a year. Seeing a shed skin in your area does not instantly mean that you have a snake inside the hole. Usually, snakes are very agitated and vulnerable during this period. They will look for a place where they will feel safe, and usually, this will not be near their home.

Will There be Droppings Close to their Home?
Just like any beings, snakes will also excrete waste products. To make it easier for you to identify the feces of the snake, you must be aware of its diet. The snake's droppings will include parts of their prey, such as the exoskeleton of the insects, claws of the birds, and teeth of the rodents. You can also find bone fragments and fur. Finding their excrement close to the holes may mean that you have an unwanted visitor in your garden.

What Should I Do with the Snake Holes?
The best thing to do with the snake holes is to leave them alone. You are most likely housing a harmless snake, and keeping them in your area will solve your rodent or insect infestation. Once the food source has been depleted, they will choose to leave your property. If you are not comfortable sharing your property with them, you should call the help of an expert. They will know what to do and to secure the area to prevent a similar situation in the future.

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